As a membership organization, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at SF State depends upon member volunteer participation to thrive. OLLI at SF State welcomes your expertise and knowledgeable contribution of time for even a few hours each month.
Volunteer Opportunities
Our members are the backbone of OLLI at San Francisco State. They help develop the curriculum, help with communications, build new membership coordinate, create member interest groups, and welcome newcomers into OLLI. They help with outreach and hospitality and they produce our own literary review — Vistas & Byways. Without robust volunteer support, OLLI at SF State could not provide the array of lifelong learning experiences members enjoy year-round.
Benefits of Volunteering
- Meet new people
- Develop new skills
- Share your abilities and expertise
- Contribute to OLLI’s success
How You Can Help
Whether you want to spend a few hours a months working from home or prefer to meet regularly with a team of volunteers, OLLI has many dynamic opportunities and arenas in which you can serve. It’s also a great way to get to know other members and expand your social network within OLLI. We need all kinds of participants. Let us know where your talents and your personality type fits in. Current Needs List (To Come)
Opportunities Exist In:
Member Participation
Work with the volunteer coordinator and all of the teams to reach out to members for new initiatives or teams, to fill in temporarily, or simply add to the current dynamic.
What's happening at OLLI? The Communications Committee keeps members posted on what the OLLI community is doing, from classes and registration to special events and social activities. We need volunteers to help write, take photos, use social media, post flyers and in general help get the word out about all the exciting things going on at OLLI.
The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests and members is of utmost importance. We want to welcome new students to our classes and we enjoy providing a welcoming atmosphere to our previews and other community meetings during the year.
Sure it really helps to have delicious cookies and other goodies but these sessions require planning and execution to make this kind of event fun and memorable. If you like to meet new people and/or consider yourself a good host, please join us.
Interest Groups
Interest groups are an outgrowth of our members desire for advanced exploration, discussion and community. They meet monthly. All members are encouraged to participate and contribute as part of their lifelong learning experience. Examples are: Share a Book, World Affairs Discussion Group, OLLI Hikers, etc. We welcome new groups, suggestions and ideas.
Work with the communications team, council and director to develop fund raising appeals wording and materials. Help put together mailings and arrange for follow up to appeals. Assist in writing, proofreading, and editing grants. Discuss new ideas and help plan and execute new endeavors.
Classroom Support - Class Hosts
- Greet and check in OLLI members for each session.
- Announce events of the week from the newsletter.
- Help OLLI monitor class attendance and continuing interest in the course.
- Help arrange classroom or find classmates to do so.
- May provide limited assistance to course instructor. Note: Audio-visual support is provided by OLLI staff.
- Refer members or instructors needing assistance to appropriate resources within OLLI.
- Time commitment: 15-20 minutes per class session, including arriving early for check-in.