OLLI SF 2024 Council
Email: olli@sfsu.edu. Please include "Council" in the subject line.
Read the OLLI San Francisco State Council Charter (pdf)
Read the OLLI San Francisco State Course Development Committee Charter (pdf)
Read the OLLI San Francisco State Curriculum Committee Charter (pdf)
Read the OLLI San Francisco State Marketing Communications Charter (pdf)
Membership Charter (to come)
See Council Meeting Minutes dating to January 2019
Council Co Chairs for 2025-2026: David Perper and Ruth Weinberg
David Perper
- drcamper@mac.com
- Years on Council: 2018-2022, 2024-2025
Ruth Weinberg
- rwweinbe@gmail.com
- Years on Council: 2022-2023, 2024-2025
Barbara Barer
- bmbarer@comcast.net
- Years on Council: 2019-2021, 2024-2025
Doris Bloch
- dbbloch207@gmail.com
- Years on Council: 2018-2021, 2025-2026
Robert Cherny
- robt.cherny@gmail.com
- Years on Council: 2022-2023, 2024-2025
Graziella Danieli
- gdanieli2021@gmail.com
- 415-306-3505
- Years on Council: 2023-2024, 2025-2026
Leslie Finlev
- lesfinlev@gmail.com
- Years on Council: 2024-2025
Jolene Huey
- jolenewh@gmail.com
- Years on Council: 2022-2023, 2024-2025
Vera Jacobson
- dr.verajacobson@gmail.com
- 650-867-0129
- Years on Council: 2025-2026
Carol Langbort
- clangbo@sfsu.edu
- Years on Council: 2020-2021, 2023-2024, 2025-2026
Walter Murphy
- wdmurph@earthlink.net
- Years on Council: 2021-2022, 2023-2024, 2025-2026
Yane Nordhav
- yanenordhav@gmail.com
- Years on Council: 2021-2022, 2023-2024, 2025-2026
Lorri Ungaretti
- lorrisf@comcast.net
- Years on Council: 2023-2024, 2025-2026

Funding provided in part by
The Bernard Osher Foundation
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Email: olli@sfsu.edu
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