SF State OLLI Needs you!

Teams needing members:

Email olli@sfsu.edu to be connected with the member team.

Hospitality: Join a friendly and flexible team to keep OLLI supplied in hospitality supplies, keep them organized, bring in snacks for events, arrange the room, greet and sign in attendees and faculty, and get to know other members!

The Brown Bag team: Speakers are scheduled through September. A few members are rotating off of the team, and help is needed to continue planning from October forward. To join a well structured group to find great speakers for our brown bags, please email olli@sfsu.edu to be connected with the member team.

Vistas & Byways Literary Review: Go to vbreview.org to see current production needs.

Group Coordinators: Some groups have rotating leaders for monthly tours or hikes. Email out once a month to a group asking for ideas for tours, hikes or other topics. Follow up to make sure it's doable and that there is a clear description of what's happening. Send that to the Program Coordinator for posting. Send a reminder email closer to the meeting day. There are always prior coordinators to share their experience.

Needed: SF Adventures coordinator