Course Cancellation
In the event that a course is canceled you will be issued an automatic credit to your OLLI account, or added back to your multiple course package. If you opt to use the credit immediately by transferring into a new class during the same session, please notify the OLLI Office as soon as you can and your transfer will be handled internally. Otherwise a course credit will be added to your account for use within 365 days of issue. While crediting your account is our preference, a refund may be requested by email to
Dropping a Course
Prior to 7 days before class begins:
Courses may be dropped up to one week (7 days) before the start of the session for a full course credit to your OLLI account. Requests must be received at least one week before the start of the session (for 5-6 week classes), or the class itself (Mini Course). If you have a multiple course package, your credit will be added back to your package. If you purchased an individual course, a credit will be maintained on your account for use within one year from the date you drop the course.
To notify us of your need to drop a class, please email us at Please put DROP in the email Subject line, and be sure to mention which course(s) you are dropping.
Note that if you request a refund rather than the automatic credit, a $20 processing fee will be incurred for refunding a longer 5-6 week course.
Within 7 days of class beginning:
If you drop a course within 7 days of its start, you may transfer into another course in the same term, as space allows. If you are unable to take another class during the same session, or if there is no availability in a class, no credit will be issued.
To notify us of your need to drop a class, please email us at Please put DROP in the email Subject line, and be sure to mention which course(s) you are dropping.
Using a Credit
Credits are good for 3 years from date of initial payment. You are not able to use credits on your own when registering. To use a credit, please email us at Please put USE CREDIT in the email Subject line, and be sure to mention which course(s) you would like to take and that you would like us to apply credit. In some cases, after a credit is applied, there may still be a balance due and we will speak by phone to take the remainder of the payment.

Funding provided in part by
The Bernard Osher Foundation
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